Picture of a forest in Finland

Applications of Mathematics Projects

Data Science Projects

Generation of forecast on the behavior of global imports by type of product (with Procolombia)
In this project we analyze the different markets and products that are relevant to the Colombian industry. We developed a web-app that forecasts the imports of the different markets and products in order to help the Colombian companies and industry on their production decisions.
Languages: Python and SQL. Poster - Video

Bitcoin VS Ethereum
In this project we use different tools of R to study the market cap of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BAT, to determine whether there is an underlying relation between them. We conclude that there was a linear relation between Bitcoin and Ethereum, and no clear relation with BAT.
Languages: R. Article - Jupyter Notebook - Github

Toronto and NY venues
In this project we compare Toronto and New York venues, to determine the best investment options for these cities and which city is the best to invest for venues.
Languages: Python. Report - Presentation - Jupyter Notebook - Github

Simulation Projects

Parameters on SIRD
In this project we use Python to simulate a model of epidemiology, the model that we will use is a simplification of the SIRD model with vaccine. The goal of this notebook is to show how small changes in the parameters may produce big changes in the simulation.
This notebook is to show an example of how mathematics is applied to other fields. It is not a project about epidemiology.
Languages: Python. Article - Jupyter Notebook - Github